All are welcome to visit our food pantry!
We offer two options to pick up groceries:
1: Visit us on Saturday morning from 8-10:
Clear a space in your vehicle for our volunteers to load your groceries!
2: Visit orderahead.org to place your online order:
Between noon on Tuesday and noon on Thursday you can place an order online and pick up your selected items curbside on Thursday evening!
Prior to your first visit, please complete the Link2Feed Registration Process:
1. Click Register Here:
To save time during your first visit, complete the online registration process.
2. Note the Client ID Number:
Take a screenshot of the 7 digit number that is generated to share with our volunteers at checkin.
Please note: Our Food Pantry is closed the last two weeks of July and the weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. For closures and information please visit solvehungertoday.org or call 815.439.2320 and follow the prompts for the Food Pantry Voicemail.